Five years ago: Conducting the EBC*L Level A training for the "Union of Tunisian Engineers". Time for Level B, and C

ISO 17100 & ISO 13611 Certification & Training Services for Translation and Interpretation Service Providers ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management Systems
Célia Korn Traduções S.A. - Brasil
The professional, and dedicated team of Célia Korn Traduções S.A. - São Paulo, Brasil
Wow, I reached Auckland, New Zealand. That's cool :))
Harry Clark, the Translation Service Provider from Auckland, is the happiest client on earth today. They received their valuable TÜV AUSTRIA Certificate ISO 9001 & ISO 17100. Congratulations.
Four years ago, on this day, celebrated a group of EBC*L graduates. In the photo the Algerian group with the Austrian ambassador, Dr. Franziska Honsowitz-Friessnigg, Dr. Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim, CEO EBC*L Arab World, MMag. Markus Haas, the Austrian Economic Chancellor in Algiers and Mr. Radouan Redouane Mouloudj, training director of Ebcl CAAID EBCL
Mission completed! 2 great Bulgarian PR agencies are the first-ever of their country to be quality-certified according to ICCO’s international Consultancy Management Standard - CMS. Audit for United Partners and All Channels Communication conducted by AgencyExperts, Anita Mohl, and András Sztaniszláv.
Today was the meeting of the EBC*L ADVISORY BOARD
Following our last meeting on 4 March 2022 in the EBC*L headquarters in Vienna, Austria we met today again online to discuss the agenda of the board for the next quarter.
To celebrate signing the Exclusive Country Representation of TÜV AUSTRIA in Algeria, I met today with Ing. Gerhard Pölzmann, Business Assurance Team International Partner management, and Mr. Reiner Wieden, Development & Commercial Director Business Assurance of TÜV AUSTRIA.