Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2022
Dienstag, 5. Juli 2022
Sonntag, 19. Juni 2022
Samstag, 18. Juni 2022
Montag, 13. Juni 2022
Star Middle East - Recertification Audit ISO 17100 & ISO 18587
Star ME, based in Cairo – Egypt, passed the Re-Certification Audit according to ISO 17100 & ISO 18587. Congratulations to the CEO, Eng. Mamdouh Askar, the Business Development Manager, Mr. Wael Elemam, and the whole professional team for the excellent preparation for the Audit. It was my pleasure to meet you all again onsite.
Star ME اجتازتومقرها القاهرة - مصر، تدقيق إعادة الاعتماد وفقًا لمعيار ISO 17100 و ISO 18587. تهانينا للرئيس التنفيذي، م. ممدوح عسكر، ومدير تطوير الأعمال، السيد وائل الإمام، والفريق المحترف جميعه للإعداد الممتاز للتدقيق. كان من دواعي سروري أن ألتقي بكم مرة أخرى في الموقع.
Testimonial, June 2022
Dear Professor, Dr. Ibrahim
I hope you are in the best of health.
Thank you very much for your visit to our company and your support for it through your kind recommendation to support the continuation of granting us the ISO certificates ISO 17100 & ISO 18587, which are a badge on our chest and an incentive for us to continue the development efforts that we started with you as soon as we were granted this global appreciation.
As we declare our desire to you, we renew our pledge to continue working on developing and modernizing everything related to our company in terms of science and theoretical and technical knowledge to reach the highest levels that companies operating in this field aspire to.
Once again, we thank you for your generous willingness to support us in everything related to the development of our company at all levels.
Yours sincerely.
Mamdouh Askar
CEO - Star Middle East, Cairo - Egypt
Montag, 30. Mai 2022
Five years ago: Conducting the EBC*L Level A training for the "Union of Tunisian Engineers". Time for Level B, and C

Samstag, 21. Mai 2022
Célia Korn Traduções S.A. - São Paulo, Brasil
Célia Korn Traduções S.A. - Brasil
The professional, and dedicated team of Célia Korn Traduções S.A. - São Paulo, Brasil
Dr. Mohamed-Ali IBRAHIM 👍 ✅
Freitag, 20. Mai 2022
Some facts about the story behind
Samstag, 14. Mai 2022
Harry Clard, Auckland, New Zealand
Wow, I reached Auckland, New Zealand. That's cool :))
Harry Clark, the Translation Service Provider from Auckland, is the happiest client on earth today. They received their valuable TÜV AUSTRIA Certificate ISO 9001 & ISO 17100. Congratulations.
Freitag, 13. Mai 2022
Donnerstag, 5. Mai 2022
EBC*L in Algeria
Four years ago, on this day, celebrated a group of EBC*L graduates. In the photo the Algerian group with the Austrian ambassador, Dr. Franziska Honsowitz-Friessnigg, Dr. Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim, CEO EBC*L Arab World, MMag. Markus Haas, the Austrian Economic Chancellor in Algiers and Mr. Radouan Redouane Mouloudj, training director of Ebcl CAAID EBCL
The Consultants and CMS Lead Auditors of AgencyExperts
Mission completed! 2 great Bulgarian PR agencies are the first-ever of their country to be quality-certified according to ICCO’s international Consultancy Management Standard - CMS. Audit for United Partners and All Channels Communication conducted by AgencyExperts, Anita Mohl, and András Sztaniszláv.
Today was the meeting of the EBC*L ADVISORY BOARD
Following our last meeting on 4 March 2022 in the EBC*L headquarters in Vienna, Austria we met today again online to discuss the agenda of the board for the next quarter.From left to right:
Prof. Dr. Rien van der Velde (EBC*L Netherlands), Mag. Michael Grossmann (Consultant), Mag. Victor Mihalic (CEO EBC*L International), Dr. Mariana Matache (online from Romania), Dr. Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim (CEO EBC*L Arab World), and Prof. Dr. Daniel Leutgeb (MBA), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard E. Ortner (online from Germany)
Dienstag, 3. Mai 2022
The Translation People
Montag, 2. Mai 2022
Meeting with the managers of TÜV AUSTRIA
To celebrate signing the Exclusive Country Representation of TÜV AUSTRIA in Algeria, I met today with Ing. Gerhard Pölzmann, Business Assurance Team International Partner management, and Mr. Reiner Wieden, Development & Commercial Director Business Assurance of TÜV AUSTRIA.
Samstag, 23. April 2022
Riyadh Group - First Workshop: ISO17100 Certified Translator
Riyadh Group: ISO17100 Certified Translator
Yesterday, I conducted the 1st session of the online workshop with quite an enthusiastic group of professional translators from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The objective is to prepare the trainees for the ISO17100 Initial Certification Audit. Therefore, the content of the three and half hours workshop was about:
- Basic Information / ISO Standards & Quality Management
- About ISO 17100 & Other Industry Standards
- The Structure of ISO 17100:2015
- The content of the needed system documentation
- Sample Handbook
- Sample of an Application for Translation Management System
- Needs of Translation Project Management skills with course samples
- General marketing hints at winning international organizations and clients
The documentation and records provided to the trainees:
- Booklet: Global Recognition Guideline for Translation Service Providers
- ISO17100:2015 Certification Scheme
- Sample Handbook
- Sample ISO17100 Certificate
- The original texts of the ISO17100 Standard
- e-Book: Get the ISO17100 Certificate for Translation Service Providers
- The complete Zoom voice record of the training session
Freitag, 22. April 2022
Donnerstag, 21. April 2022
One Global Solutions Ltd. Leads, UK
Today I conducted the Second Surveillance Audit according to ISO 17100 by the international translation & localization service provider from Lead, UK, ONE GLOBAL. They could demonstrate maintaining a solid Quality Management System. The Top Management could persuade me that they focus on the desired client satisfaction and deliver to their team all needed technical and human resources to fulfill all the standard requirements and client specifications.
The company passed the audit. Congratulations.
Dr. Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim, Vienna - Austria
Mittwoch, 20. April 2022
Iran TransNet
Today I audited the Persian company Iran TransNet. The CEO of the company, Mr. Saeednejad, and his team were excited and well-prepared like the first time I conducted their Initial Certification Audit based on EN15038 in 2013. As you can guess, this is a highly committed team, insisting on ongoing development. I remember the translator conference they organized in Tehran with me as a key-note speaker in 2018. We provided skills development lectures and workshops for a hundred freelancers, translation project managers, and quality assurance officers during the two days. It was a great event.
The secret of success here is the culture of continuous improvement and always being close to the translators (Their website is a genuine forum for their translators, revisers, and team members.)
Iran TransNet has done excellent and passed the ISO 17100 Re-certification Audit.
Dr. Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim
Certification Activities / up-dtae
- Mr. Sameh Ragab from Arabian had passed his Surveillance Audit EN 15038 in Cairo: Dec 5, 2010
Ms. Nermin Abdelwahid and Mr. Samy Shalaby are now authorised EN 15038 Lead Auditor of the Certification Body: Austrian Standards plus Certification. CongratulationsA
A Supervisor EN 15038 Audit. From left: Lead Auditors Shalaby, Ibrahim, Abdelwahid. Auditees: Khalifa and Hasan. | Candidates to be authorized Lead Auditors of AS+C are EN 15038 certified translators with respectable work experience. After going through a special "Lead Auditor Training in accordance with ISO 19011 & EN 15038" the candidates attend at least 3 audits under observer statutes, Each candidate has then to conduct a complete audit under the supervision of a Lead Auditor. Depending on the report of the supervisor, the certification body decides upon appointing the candidates as authorized Lead Auditors. |