I am glad to invite you in the name of “INNORPI TUNIS” and the “Austrian Standards Institution” to my lecture “The European Norm EN 15038 For Translation Service Providers & The Arab World” which will be held at the special conference of INNORPI
"Le rôle de la Traduction et la Terminologie dans la
facilitation des échanges commerciaux à l'échelle Arabe
et Internationale" - Tunis 28 and 29th October, 2008

My lecture will be at 10:00 on Tue, 28th of October 2008 at INNORPI's headquater - Cité Elkhadra - St. 8451 N° 8, by Alain Savary - 1003 Tunis tel: 71 806 758
Summary of the presentation for the conference in Tunis 28 – 29 Oct. 2008
Lecturer: Mr. Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim
Citizenship: Egyptian Austrian
Consultant & Translator for Arabic/German/English
Quality Manager; Quality Auditor
Lead Auditor ISO 9001 & EN 15038
Manager & Representative of The Austrian Standards
Institution for the Arab Area
Member of the Austrian national committee for EN 15038
EN 15038:2006 is the first European standard to set out the requirements for the provision of quality services by translation service providers (TSPs). It charts the best practice processes involved in providing a translation service through commissioning, translation, review, project management and quality control, to delivery.
The purpose of this European standard is to establish and define the requirements for the provision of quality services by translation service providers.
EN 15038:2006 encompasses the core translation process and all other related aspects involved in providing the service, including quality assurance and traceability.
This standard offers both translation service providers and their clients a description and definition of the entire service. At the same time, it is designed to provide translation service providers with a set of procedures and requirements to meet market needs.
EN 15038:2006 specifies the requirements for the translation service provider with regard to human and technical resources, quality and project management, the contractual framework, and service procedures.
Looking forward to seeing you there
Mohamed-Ali Ibrahim
After the conference:
The conference offered an opportunity to discuss many of the hot subjects of the translation and translator's world. the organization INNORPI made it attractive and comfortable, Buffet and café breaks were good and well organized; the atmosphere friendly and the competent speakers enriched the knowledge of the attended journalists, students and professionals. Thank you ENNORPI and well done.